This is the note for Reliable Distributed Algorithm Week 2 - Basic Abstractions and Failure Dectectors. It discusses what’s a Partitialy Synchronous System, and one of Failure Dectectors - Eventually Perfect Failure Dectectors (EPFD) under the assumption of Partitialy Synchrony.
这篇最新发表的斯坦福论文: The Impact of Media Censorship: Evidence from a Field Experiment in China 试图回答这样两个问题:提供条件让公民访问未经审查的网络是否会导致公民获取政治敏感信息?接触到政治敏感信息是否会改变公民的政治信念,态度,以及行为?
This post is about how to use Java Socket to build a simple http server responding to GET request. We first discuss how to do it with single thread, then we extend the server to multi-thread. It’s part of note and the assignment of Distributed Java offered by Rice University at Coursera. (Week 2 and 4).
This note talks about Optimistic Concurrency, Concurrent Queue data structure, the notion about Linearizability and Concurrent Hash Map. Finally, this week’s homework is about a concurrent algorithm to find a Minimum Spaning Tree in an undirected graph called Boruvka algorithm.
– Concurrent Programming in Java, Week4, Coursera
Actor pattern is a high level approach to concurrent programming, it forces all accesses to an object to be isolated by default. Other method communicate with Actor by sending message to it.
Concurrent Programming in Java - Week3
Coursera Concurrent Programming in Java - Week 1,2