这篇文章主要来自我关注的一个医生Youtube博主Professor Roger Seheult, MD,强烈推荐大家亲自去观看MedCram这个Youtube频道,另外文章的内容不能代替医生的医疗建议,我也会把所有的引用附上,读者们请自行分辨信息。
周末时去了趟Alviso Marina County Park,Alviso是距离硅谷腹地15分钟车程的一个小镇,Alviso Marina County Park是一个湿地公园,可以观鸟,徒步,划船。
公园旁有两栋破落的房子,墙上写着Bayside Canning Co.,心生好奇,为什么这里有个罐头厂?回家后仔细搜索了下,竟发现了个颇有趣的关于华裔美国人的故事,是华裔美国人美国梦的一个很好的注脚。
A very completed introduction about the internal of Apache Spark. Highly recommended!
It is a full day workshop (almost 6 hour long video), so you can use following checkpoint to start with the section you are interested in. The section I find most interesting is to reveal how they won 2014 100TB sorting challenge, watch from 4:49:00 Next Gen Shuffle.
Youtube : Advanced Apache Spark Training - Sameer Farooqui (Databricks)
Slides : Devops Advanced Class
This is the short research I did back to web development course in 2016. It will give you a brief overview how online advertiser track the user and few tips about how can you protect yourself from tracking. Hope you enjoy!
A discussion for one type of dynamic programming problems - MinMax Game: Predict the Winner.
Given an array of scores that are non-negative integers. Player 1 picks one of the numbers from either end of the array followed by the player 2 and then player 1 and so on. Each time a player picks a number, that number will not be available for the next player. This continues until all the scores have been chosen. The player with the maximum score wins.
Given an array of scores, predict whether player 1 is the winner. You can assume each player plays to maximize his score.